The Seventh Annual Women's Music Festival will take place in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois from May 29-June 1. This year's Festival will include workshops, films, jam sessions, open mikes and evening concerts. A wide variety of music will be represented: everything from jazz to folk to classical

This year's Festival will include 13 featured performers, among them Alive!. Meg Christian, Holly Near. Terry Garthwaite. Julie Homi, Teresa Trull, Robin Tyler and more. Daily workshops will cover various aspects of music. production, politics, theater and dance.

For more information write: National Women's Music Festival, P.O. Box 2721, Station A. Champaign, IL 61820, phone (217) 333-6443. Contacts: Marj Plumb. Roxanne Walker: (217) 328-4252, Susan Connelly (217) 333-1020/356-2394.


Oberlin Community Chamber Singers present "A Celebration of Music by Women Composers," a concert of choral and instrumental music to be held in Oberlin and Cleveland, marking an important step in the acceleration of nationwide rediscovery of serious music by women. The concerts will take place on Saturday, April 26, at 8:00 p.m. in Oberlin's Finney Chapel, and on Sunday, May 4, at 8:00 p.m. in Kulas Hall at the Cleveland Institute of Music. The Oberlin concert is free (a donation will be requested): there is a $2.00 admission for the Cleveland concert. These concerts will be among the very first events to bring to Northern Ohio the rare experience of hearing live performances of music by


The F.L.O.W.E.R. Fund (For Love Of Womyn Emergency Resource Fund) has been established by womyn to provide community assistance for womyn in need of emotional and financial support. Money is coming from projects developed within our womyn-identified community. Your ideas. energy and concern are urgently needed. Please address contributions and correspondence to: The F.L.O.W.E.R. Fund. P. O. Box F-11, Akron, Ohio 44308.

A support discussion group for lesbian mothers is being formed at the Cleveland YWCA. Beginning Tuesday, March 25, the group will meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Blue Room of the Metropolitan YWCA, 3201 Euclid Avenue. The group will explore child rearing issues and other concerns of the participants. There is no fee; however, donations will be accepted to cover the cost of room use. Contact: Beverly J. Pyle, 881-6878, Ext. 106.

The Choices for Women Program of John Carroll University will present a program on "Women and Power: Avenues into Decision-Making Structures" on Saturday, April 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. in the Student Activities Center. State Rep. Mary Boyle is the keynote speaker. Other speakers and topics include Dr. Kathy Barber on Getting Into Political Decision-Making: Economic Empowerment addressed by Helen Wiliams: Power: The Effect on Motivation and Success by Dr. Sally Wertheim; Linda Batway on The Volunteer as Advocate: Dr. Jacqueline Schmidt on Aspects of Interpersonal Power: Perspectives on Sex and Gender, a preview of JCU "Women's Studies" courses by Dr. Marian Morton; Power Dynamics in the Job Interview by Pat Cusick; Jane Merchant on Breaking Through the "Ol' Boys' System" with networking, and Nancy Shimp and Shirley Eskridge talking about Knowledge as Power. A panel on Routes Into the Power Structure within the Organization will be moderated by Dr. Mary Ann Huckabay who will also talk on entry via the field of Human Resource Management. Other panelists include Eileen Miller on accounting. JoAnn D'Abate on technology and Stephanie Wohl on marketing and sales.

A charge of $6.00 includes lunch and coffee. For more information and a brochure, call Carol lorillo at 491-4341.

The GEAUGA WOMEN'S CENTER, 11984 Caves Road, Chesterland, Ohio. at the northwest corner of Wilson Mills and Caves Road (Community Church of Chesterland, downstairs), has a Drop-In Center open the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 8 to 10 p.m. Offered are support groups, self-help/health, information, and referral service on doctors, lawyers, therapists, social services and divorce, and various speakers. The group needs feedback (good or bad) to expand its referral lists. Come share your experiences. For further information, call 729-1199, or call Nancy at 729-4887, Sue at 338-8398, or Sally at 423-3871.

The National Women's Studias Association will hold its annual convention al Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, from May 16-20, 1980. The planned program will include panels, seminars, and papers in feminist education and presentations in the arts. Participants can look forward to discussions of Women's Studies Programs in academic institutions and of feminist alternatives to traditional education. For further information contact Elaine Reuben, Coordinator, NWSA, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742..

The GEAR Foundation, has begun a women's drop-in group on the first Monday of each month. There is also a "women with women" group on the third Monday in the month to provide a safe place to explore your feetings about other women. All meetings will be held in the Gay Community Center at 1012 Sumner at 8:00. For more information, call the Gay Hotline at 621-3380.

DIGNITY, an organization for Catholic and other Christian gay women and men, welcomes new members. Meetings are at Hallinan Center, CWRU, the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, beginning with a women's meeting at 7 p.m. and Mass and a program at 8 p.m. For more information, call Patti at 321-9456.

The Geauga Women's Center presents a Festival of Women's Literature with Dr. Bonnie Huffman of Youngstown State University, from 7-9 p.m. on March 21, April 4 and April 18. Discussion series topics will include women writing, images of women in literature, and women's diaries and journals. For further information, call the Geauga Women's Center, 11984 Caves Road (downstairs), 729-1199, Carolyn at 286-2081, Sally at 729-0481, or-Nancy at 729-4887.

Two national political campaign techniques training institutes-one for women judicial candidates and one for Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific and Native American women-have been scheduled on consecutive weekends in April in Overland Park, Kansas, by the National Women's Education Fund (NWEF). The institute for judicial campaigns is scheduled April 11-13 at TWA/Breech Training Academy in cooperation with the newly-formed National Association of Women Judges. The second institute will meet at the same place on April 18-20.

A $100 fee covers room, board, tuition, and materials for each institute. Applications for registration, limited by space available, can be obtained from NWEF, 1410 Que St., NW, Washington. D.C. 20009. A limited amount of financial aid is available, on basis of need. Aid applications can also be obtained from NWEF.

A Cleveland Women's Writers Guild is being formed which will benefit all women writers by providing feedback on your writing, public reading opportunities, encouragement, publication information, writing opportunities and membership in The Feminist Writers Guild, Berkeley, California. A writers guild for women only will help us defend ourselves against the sexism of publishers and the media. It will be a flexible organization for women of various perspectives. Meetings will be the second Monday of each month. For further information, call Pat at 791-0311.

"Teenagers: Are They Ready for Motherhood?" will be the topic dis cussed by Mary Butcher, Coordinator of Services to Young Families of the Cuyahoga County Welfare Department, on Wednesday evening. April 9. at 8:00 p.m. at the open meeting of the Cleveland Abortion Rights Action League, First Unitarian Church, 21600 Shaker Blvd, Shaker Heights.


Randall Forsberg, member of the Boston Study Group, will speak on "The New Militarism and Prospects for Disarmament" at the Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice/WILPF meeting at the Cleveland Heights Main Library, 2345-Lee Road, on Friday, April 18, at 8:00 pm: Ms Forsberg is currently Director of the Institute for Defense and Disarmament in Boston. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the 65th Anniversary of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

We are an inspired group of women: tesbians, heterosexuals, mothers. working and middle class, living in a political community dedicated to non-violent revolution called Movement for a New Society. We are holding a 9-day training program with an optional 4-day group project following to share our skills, visions, and experiences with other women. The program will include: feminist strategizing for social change; naming and nurturing our dreams; analyzing the role of oppression in our lives and movement; creative ways for dealing with the conflicts that arise in our work; and concrete skills for direct action campaigns.

The training program will be held May 2-11 and 11-15, 1980. For more information, write: Women's Training Collective, 4709 Windsor Avenue. Philadelphia, PA 19143.

The Women's Law Caucus of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law is presenting a Women's Legal Rights Workshop at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, 18th and Euclid, on April 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A fee of $5.00 Includes parking, childcare and a Handbook. The fee will be reduced or walved in cases of need. Participants are asked to bring a brown bag lunch.

Approximately 20 workshops will cover such areas as employment discrimination, landlord-tenant laws, reproductive rights, credit rights of women, and domestic relations. Guest speakers will be State Rep. Mary Boyle and, tentatively, Anni Aldrich,, newly appointed District Court Judge.

To register, send $5.00 with your name and address to: Women's Law Caucus, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University, 1801 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.

The South Central Women's Studios Association, a regional division of the National Women's Studies Association, formed to "further social, political and professional development of women's studies" in the States of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas, invites program proposals For panels, seminars, workshops, papers, arts and crafts displays, musical and dance performances, dramatic presentations and other creative activities related to six major topics to be covered in its Third Annual Conference, October 18-19, 1980, at the University of Texas at Arlington: Pioneers Then and Now-Women Innovators; Silver Threads and Golden Notebooks-Woman and the Arts; Healing and Helping-Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health; Getting and Spending-Economic Woman; Bearing and Caring-Families in the 1980's; and Majority and Minority Women-Myths and Realities.

Proposals should include name, address and affiliation (if applicable) of the person organizing the activity and of other participants, and a onepage description of the proposed activity including title, nature and format, time required and equipment needed. Proposals will be judged on their appropriateness to conference themes. and on the extent to which they use the humanities to clarify the values, concerns, traditions and experiences of women's lives. The deadline for proposals is May 1, 1980. Proposals and/or requests for additional information about the conference should be addressed to: Jeanne Ford, WomanFair Coordinator. P.O. Box 19528 UTA Station, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019. Phone: (817) 273-2219.

Cleveland Women's Choir. Anyone interested in singing feminist music. drop in at 3178 Meadowbrook on Thursday evenings. 7:30, or call Penny at 932-3326.

We are three Feminists living on twelve acres in southcentral Kentucky We share skills, most resources. thoughts. labor and strive for collective Sufficiency. We are anti-nuclear environmentalists struggling for change on a grass roots level while creating a supportive womonspace learning new patterns. and reclaiming our self-expression

Exploring our lives. we recognize how we affect/influence social/political/economic change. and how Feminist theory/action seeks to break down barriers of sexism, racism, classism and agism which keep us isolated and weak We base our relationships on collective responsibility and mutual support rather than on competition and in dividual isolation

'Womyn. Including womyn with children. considering an alternative lifestyle write: Sunnybrook Wimmins' Collective. Sunnybrook. Kentucky 42650. Send SASE

FEMINIST ISSUES N.O.W. is a radio program broadcast from 7 30 to 8:00 a.m. every Sunday morning on WMMS and from 12:30 to 1.00 a m every Friday on WZAK Ideas are welcome. Contact Julie Patterson at 581-8281 with advertising suggestions

AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE sponsors a vigil for sale energy every Friday from noon to 1.00 at CEI, Public Square

The FREE CLINIC is offering individual and group counseling for victims of incest, on Tuesday evenings between 7.00 and 10:00 p.m To make an appointment, call 721-4010 and say you want an appointment with Joyce Spencer or Jan Felixson. There are no fees or eligibility requirements at the Free Clinic (12201 Euclid Avenue)

WOMEN TOGETHER, INC., Cleveland's shelter house for battered women and their children, is selling beige T-shirts with royal blue printing: "Women are Together". Hanes T-shirts $5.00, French cut $7.50. Available at Coventry Books, 1824 Coventry Road. Appletree Books, 12419 Cedar Road. Sleeping Bee Art Gallery (in Ohio City), East Side Food Coop, 11628 Euclid Avenue, and at Women Together's administrative office at the YWCA, 3201 Euclid Avenue. Your purchase helps to operate the shelter for battered women. For further info call Jan Ogline at 431-6267.

Make your old newspapers work to support a worthy community agency Give them to the Head Help Paper Drive. The container will be parked-daily at the Geauga Market House on Rt. 306 just north of Rt. 322.

Displaced Homemakers (women who have lost the support they were dependent upon) can get help through the Displaced Homemakers Program at all campuses of Cuyahoga Community College. The program offers services to help, women become "job ready" and self-supporting. No fees are charged. To be eligible, a person must have worked without pay as a homemaker for her family, had not been gainfully employed, and is at least 35 years old. Courses include how to tind and keep a job, interviewing, community resources, and budgeting. Call the campus nearest you: Metro, 241-5966, Wesfern, 845-4000. Ext. 250, Eastern, 464-1450, Ext. 275.

The Coalition of Women's Art Organizations has announced plans for the First International Festival of Women Artists to be held in Copenhagen. Denmark from July 14-30, 1980. Sponsored by the Coalition, which is comprised of 95 women's arts organizations representing over 60,000 women artists, the festival will coincide with the 1980 World Conference of the U.N. Decade for Women in Copenhagen to be held at the same time. The event will include readings, performances, panel discussions, films and an exhibition of postcard art. It will culminate in a procession event symbolizing peace and solidarity among women worldwide. For more information, call Susan Schwalb at (212) 674-3434,


Worker-owned and operated vegetarian restaurant needs full-time responsible workers. Must be interested in natural foods and á commitment to helping the restaurant grow. Also, part-time servers needed (low pay, high rewards).. Genesis 1:29. 421-9359.

Feminist Nature Classes/Walks-Edible and Medicinal Wild Plants. Classes begin April 13, 2:00 p.m..Sliding scale. Call Beverly at 281-1726.

A New Anthology: The Lesbian Path, Margaret Cruikshank, ed, 37 autobiographical sketches celebrating our diversity and strength. Angel Press. $6.95 from Caroline House, 2 Ellis Place, Ossining, New York 10562.

Classified Ad Rate: $.20 per word

April, 1980/What She Wants/Page 15